Job Applications & Interview Support

Often what stops an individual in finding the right job is self-confidence or knowing what to say either on that cv, job application or in that interview. We are not good at selling ourselves, however, our team at the Trust can help you realise your own skills and individual talents and give you the confidence to tell others. We provide this through one to one support as well as group workshops to allow you to understand how to sell yourself on paper and face to face.  We also provide you with local knowledge and allow you to practice in an learning environment where sharing and learning are vital to success. Whatever stage you are at, from the school leaver looking to gain an apprenticeship, a graduate looking for their first role to those more mature looking for a change in direction or that first job as a returner to employment we can help you. Give us a call and we will be delighted to help you on your journey on 01475 553300 or email us at